How it works

  • Enter the amount and select which cryptocurrency you'd like to sell.
  • Choose the crypto you wish to receive, check the amounts, and click “Exchange Now”. Alternatively you can click the Check Exchange link, which will refresh the estimated rate. It's best to check that just before trade execution, as crypto prices can fluctuate a fair bit.
  • You’ll be taken to a confirmation page. Here you can check the exchange rate, cryptocurrency amounts and our fee.
  • If you feel like everything is correct, please fill in the destination address to which we will send the exchanged cryptocurrency. Enter the refund address so we will know where to send the funds back, if your exchange cannot be processed for any reason. It is optional but suggested to provide a refund address.
  • Click “Exchange”. At the “Payment” step, you will be given the address to which you'll have to send your coins. Please remember that it's best to send the exact amount you’ve requested. If you send less or more, adjustments will be made. Keep in mind that the sent amount must still meet the minimum requirement, which is individual per coin. If it doesn't, the transaction won't be processed.
  • We strongly recommend verifying the receiving address with our PGP keys. Every address generated on the site will be signed with our PGP key.
  • After you send the funds, click on the “I have sent the funds” button. Once the system detects and confirms your transfer, the exchange will be processed.
  • That’s it! You can copy the status link to track your transaction. Your exchange should take about 30 minutes to a few hours. Those times are random to enhance your security.
  • If your exchange hasn't completed after about 6 hours or more, please contact us at and tell us the details of the transaction, especially the source or destination address you've provided for the exchange. We will do our best to resolve this within 24 hours and usually much sooner.

Fees, confirmations, details

Coin name Exchange fee Minimum exchange amount Confirmations required
BTC 1% 0.005 1
ETH 1% 0.2 3
DASH 1% 10 3
ZEC 1% 1 3
XMR 1% 1 10
LTC 1% 10 2
KMD 2% 50 1
OXEN 2% 100 10
FIRO 2% 100 3
BDX 2% 0 2